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About Office Signs Plus

The #1 Online Do-It-Yourself Nameplate Source

For over 25 years, the founders of Office Signs Plus have been producing corporate signage, marketing, and identification products for virtually every industry under the sun. We’ve been in the sign industry for many years and have the experience and knowledge to assist our clients with virtually any way-finding project or office signage challenge. We’ve furnished and installed tens of thousands of interior signs throughout North America and are truly recognized as experts in the sign industry.

Positive Customer Relationships

Our goal at Office Signs Plus is to provide a professional and informative shopping experience for new and existing customers to browse, select, and purchase office nameplates and signage.

Do-It-Yourself Advocates

Our Do-It-Yourself office nameplates and signage solutions are exactly that….Do-It-Yourself. Our signage products can be conveniently updated within a couple of minutes without leaving your office or placing a replacement order. Yet, convenience isn’t the only goal we set out to provide. The cost to print Do-It-Yourself office nameplates and signage inserts and place it into one of our sign frames is outstanding…only pennies! This can save a large facility thousands of dollars on name signs annually! We provide beautiful frame kits that exceed the ancient look of engraved name plaques.

Easy-to-maintain, Scalable Solutions

We recognize the essential requirements of today’s market for low-cost to maintain, environmentally conscious, professional-looking interior signage. We embrace the fact that computers it easy to print out sign inserts in-house. Making your own office sign inserts, for reusable solutions requires basic software and some design ability.


No other sign systems out there have less impact on our environment than those found on Office Signs Plus. Once our eco-friendly frames are installed, the materials used to maintain the inserts “for life” are minuscule.

Dedicated To Quality

The quality brands we is are sleek, professional, and stylish. Our office sign frame designs allow you to place any printed paper design imaginable behind the lens, including photos, and logos creatively using infinite color combinations.

Unique Office Signage Product Lines

Office Signs Plus has designed and carries unique product lines, some of which are only available from Office Signs Plus. We offer the widest selection of quality office nameplates and office sign frames from which to choose. Our friendly sign consultants welcome your questions. For further information

contact us.

