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How Our Do-It-Yourself Office Nameplate Sign Frames Work

Conveniently produce inserts for your office identification in-house utilizing common office equipment and supplies. Why hire an engraver every time an office nameplate sign frames update is required? Do-it-yourself office nameplate sign frames are quick and easy to make and update.

Step 1:

Design Your Sign Insert

The first step starts by creating a visual layout for your DIY (do-it-yourself) office nameplate sign frames insert. You or a designer can design the office nameplate sign frames insert yourself using some of these recommended software programs:

  • CorelDRAW
  • Adobe
  • Serif

With a design program, you must create a layout with the information and styles that you desire to fit your office nameplate sign frames's insert dimensions.

Step 2:

Print Your Sign Inserts

The next step in creating your DIY office nameplate sign is to print your sign's insert to a media, such as paper. If you're looking for an

eco-friendly office nameplate sign frame solution, you could consider using recycled paper.

We highly recommend printing on glossy photo style inkjet media, which are the materials that yield the best color possibilities, sharpest text, and graphic reproductions. With an inexpensive printer and the right paper, you too can achieve remarkable results.

The media we utilize is available in most office supply stores, such as:

  • Staples
  • Office Max
  • Office Depot

After you know which media you'll print, you can print perfect office nameplate sign frame inserts yourself with inexpensive equipment. The printers we recommend tend to have prices of approximately $100 more or less and can be found in most office supply stores. To conserve paper, you can make sure that the maximum possible amount of inserts are placed on each printed page.

Name brands such as Epson, HP, 3M, Canon, and Lexmark yield the best results. The ink cartridges should yield hundreds of inserts. Inserts requiring print dimensions that exceed the limitations of 8.5” x 11” may require a more elaborate printer or outsourcing to a large format digital printer, such as Kinko’s, Staples, Office Max, and Office Depot

Step 3:

Trim Your Sign Inserts

Now that you've printed your inserts, you can trim or cut the printed material in order to place the inserts in your office nameplate sign frames. Trimming DIY inserts can be achieved in two simple and convenient ways:

Cutting office nameplate sign frame inserts with a typical lever-style paper cutter or the newer rolling blade type is generally the safest method. The rolling blades are EXTREMELY safe.

Manually slicing each insert from the sheet using an X-acto knife, stainless steel ruler, and artist’s cutting mat is an accurate technique, however opportunity for injury to your fingers may be increased.

No matter how you choose to trim your inserts, please do it carefully! Soon Office Signs Plus will offer pre-perforrated paper for several popular office nameplate sign frame sizes. This means it will be even easier to create DIY office nameplate sign frames.

Step 4:

Fasten / Install Your Sign Frames

Based on the frame that you've selected to utilize for your office nameplate sign frames, your installation process might differ. For instance, office wall sign frames require different mounting methods than office cubicle sign frames.

We offer a range of office nameplate sign frame fasteners in our

Parts & Accessories

area. As well, we've made it easy to choose your desired fastener while ordering products.

For more information about specific installation types, please see our

office nameplate sign frame installation guides.

Step 5:

Place Your Sign Inserts

The last, final, and easiest step necessary to create your own office nameplate sign frames is to place your insert into your frame. The office nameplate sign frame systems that we offer make it easy to place inserts and reuse frames. This means that your new DIY office nameplate sign frame wasn't just easy to install, but will save you time and materials in the future.
